czwartek, 17 kwietnia 2014


I strongly believe that studying architecture at MSA would provide me with perfectly balanced possibillities of developing my design skills and critical approach at all issues connected with architecture. It would also be a great opportunity to have access to resources and teaching unavailable in Poland. Living and studying in Manchester is also a big advantage, since I have always been drawn to urban environments due to their dynamic lifestyle.

One of the most compelling exhibitions in terms of the displays and exhibition design that I have recently visited was Deutsche Kinemathek in Berlin. Being fascinated with the cinematography of 1920's and 1930's films, I was amazed by the multimedia, old posters, stills and fragments of some productions being displayed on screens. Not only was I stunned by the exhibits, however, but also by the incredible interior design. A narrow pathway in the gallery was surrounded by large screens so as to captivate the visitor, and led through consecutive decades of German filmography. There was a room entirely filled with mirrors at different angles, including the ceiling and floors, which gave a sense of enormity, infinity, but also confusion and an impression of multiple worlds hiding behind the glass. As I presume, it could have been a metaphor of the power of film or art in general. The section about Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" was particularly interesting to me, as I am generally fascinated by dystopian motives in art. Moreover, seeing the production of set design and special effects almost a century ago was very refreshing. 

As my interest towards architecture grew, I developed a strong preference towards Bauhaus and postulates of such architects as Adolf Loos, Walter Gropius or Mies van der Rohe, but I was also fascinated by Japanese Metabolism and plenty other movements. Therefore, I thought it would be easier to choose a favourite contemporary architect, and that has to be Renzo Piano. Of all contemporary architects, I appreciate his work most highly due to his cutting-edge ideas, outstanding forms and strong appreciation for context of a space.

One of the many works of architecture I would love to experience in person is Renzo Piano's Paul Klee Centre in Bern. Paul Klee is also one of my favourite artists and his works have largely influenced my IB Visual Arts studio works. The wavy shape of the building designed by Piano corresponds in an incredibly accurate way with Klee's philosophy of movement, seen as the driving force of life, which he aimed at representing in his paintings and drawings. I would be really grateful to have a chance of experiencing the building personally, not only to admire Klee's masterpieces, but also to "sense" the building and study its fascinating construction.


A building I would like to visit: Paul Klee Centre in Bern, Renzo Piano

A building I would like to visit: Zumthor's house/atelier in Haldenstein by Renzo Piano, Peter Zumthor

Work in progress: own design of an atelier pavillion

Quick sketches

Quick sketches on location

City scale drawing: airport

This is a layout of a post-industrial district in Warsaw, which is about to undergo a vast revitalisation in a couple of years. During the team workshops we had to come up with a consistent idea for the plot. My group has designed it to be a multi-purpose open space including cultural and public entertainment facilities, fab labs, service sector as well as sustainable solutions for trade, business and residential areas. The main idea behind the project was to respect the rich historical past of the area (Warsaw Uprising Museum is located here), but adding more modern buildings, functions and types of facilities (for instance fab labs, which are not common in Poland yet). All existing buildings were not destroyed but revitalised, and the post-industrial sites were given a new function.


"Floating Warsaw", linocut print on paper, 21x30 cm

"Labyrinth", linocut print on paper, 21x30 cm

"Babel", watercolour and ink on paper, 30x42 cm

"Neon Night", oil pastel and ink on cardboard, scratch-out, 100x70 cm

"Towering Townhouses", watercolour and ink on paper, 40x55 cm